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Lúcia Ribeiro/Resultados: CC vai aplicar a lei considerando as manifestações, mas sem se deixar influenciar

Lúcia Ribeiro/Resultados: CC will apply the law considering the demonstrations, but without letting itself be influenced

The President of the Constitutional Council (CC), Lúcia Ribeiro, assures that the decision on the election results will, first and foremost, respect the law, considering the current political and social situation. "Given this context [of turmoil], in this ruling, perhaps the most important thing is not the words, but the clarity of the numbers. This is my perception..."

Japão aplica sanções a entidades de países por facilitarem exportações para a Rússia

Japan imposes sanctions on countries for facilitating exports to Russia

Japan today announced new sanctions against 11 entities from six countries for helping Russia evade the punitive measures imposed by the international community for its invasion of Ukraine. "These are not sanctions against individual countries, but against entities involved in evading Russian sanctions," said government spokesman Yoshimasa Hayashi. The...

ISSM aplica multa a quatro seguradoras

ISSM fines four insurance companies

Four insurance institutions have been fined two million meticais by the Insurance Supervision Institute of Mozambique, as part of its inspection of financial guarantees. Each of the insurers was fined 500,000 meticais due to infringements detected during the inspection of insurance activity and respective mediation. According to the...