Tag: agendas

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​Presidenciais na Frelimo: Existem ‘camaradas’ ao serviço de agendas pessoais, segundo o SG

Frelimo presidential: There are 'comrades' at the service of personal agendas, according to SG

The Secretary General (SG) of Frelimo, Roque Silva, said on Wednesday in Matola that there are party members who are too interested in the internal elections to appoint the new party leader because they are fulfilling agendas of personal interest. Speaking at the closing of the III ordinary session of the national council of the Mozambican Women's Organization, he warned...

PR apela ao abandono de agendas que dividem e pilham África

PR calls for abandoning agendas that divide and plunder Africa

African countries must abandon the agendas of other nations that take advantage of the weaknesses of the African continent to foment divisionism and plunder, the President of the Republic (PR) called on Thursday in New York. "As Africans we want peace on our continent and we are aware that for this to happen we need...

Moza promove alfabetização de adultos

Moza promotes adult literacy

As part of the International Literacy Day, which was celebrated on September 08, Moza Banco preceded the delivery of material composed of T-shirts, diaries, caps, among others, to women who attend the adult literacy program at the Paulo Samuel Kankhomba Community School in Boane District, Maputo province. The donated material...