The President of Frelimo, Filipe Nyusi, said today (04) that the agenda of the party's Central Committee (CC) is still open, so there is the possibility of including new points of national interest such as the question of the succession to the leadership of this political formation.
Filipe Nyusi's intervention comes in a context in which several voices from the party itself, as well as from civil society, are questioning the delay in the debate on the succession of the ruling party's leadership. By the way, Óscar Monteiro, a veteran of the national liberation struggle, today criticized Frelimo's Central Committee, including for delaying the debate on the party's succession..
In response, Filipe Nyusi, quoted by "Savana", left the subject open, saying that "there are so many issues that, when the agendas are drawn up, we end up not including everyone". However, he continued, "Óscar Monteiro's request is a point to be taken into account, but he didn't say whether or not it would be included in the party's current meetings".
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