The Deputy Minister of Justice, Constitutional and Religious Affairs will proceed tomorrow in South Africa, the launch of the Criminal Records Information System (SIRC) to make it easier for Mozambicans living in the diaspora to obtain criminal records.
The first to benefit will be Mozambican citizens residing in South Africa, Tanzania, Portugal, and Germany, according to Fátima Baronet, Deputy National Director of Registries and Notaries.
"The expansion proved necessary due to the constant and growing demand for criminal registry services by Mozambican citizens residing in these countries and foreigners who have resided in Mozambique," Baronet explained.
Clarificated that Mozambicans in the diaspora face serious dificulties in accessing services because they have to submit documentation at embassies or consulates for subsequent shipment to the country for issuance, a process that takes a long time.
The group of countries that will be the first to host these services has the highest demand for emigrants, with South Africa standing out with more than 30 thousand Mozambicans.
The SIRC went into production in February 2016, and in the country it is deployed in 93 delegations.
"Nationally we average 25,000 requests a month, but there are peak times, like election time. We have been preparing for the election period so we don't have long filas," he said.
To materialize these services, modern equipment has been acquired that will be operated by employees of the diplomatic missions, namely embassies and consulates.
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