In the city of Nampula, the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC) arrested two individuals accused of murdering two officers of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) and robbing fuel stations in the districts of Meconta (Nacavala) and Monapo.
According to a local newspaper IkweliLater this year, the same group robbed another fuel station in the Mutauanha neighborhood, on the outskirts of the city of Nampula, where an agent of a private security company was killed.
According to SERNIC's spokesperson in Nampula, Enina Tsinine, the group is made up of several individuals who are spread out in almost every district of Nampula province, with the sole aim of "killing and robbing".
"These individuals were arrested as part of the pursuit, of what were investigations based on the last individuals we presented who were part of the gang, we were looking for information that culminated in the arrest of the two members we have just presented. They took part in several robberies," said the source.
In the investigation into the individuals, SERNIC learned that "they say they rented the weapons and after carrying out the actions they returned them to the owner who lives in the Mogovolas district".
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