Six arrested for looting and during demonstrations in Sofala

Seis detidos por pilhagem e durante manifestações em Sofala

The Republic of Mozambique Police (PRM) in Sofala have arrested six citizens, aged between 19 and 23, in connection with cases of looting and vandalism during popular demonstrations between December 24 and 25 last year.

According to the PRM spokesman in the province, they clashed with law and order authorities and looted private property.

These include furniture, building materials, household appliances and chairs, among others. Some of the stolen goods will be returned to their rightful owners, said Dércio Chacate, who guaranteed to hold the people arrested accountable. The offenders have confessed to the crimes.

Work is underway to recover the rest of the looted goods, although PRM is urging the voluntary return of other people's property.

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