Pray for Cabo Delgado, for there are still innocent people dying a monkey death there.
It's true that from time to time we kick everything that happens in Cabo Delgado under the rug. But it is impossible to sweep under the rug the decapitated heads crowned with blood, the houses with their ceilings dancing on flames, and the population eating their enormous screams.
A few days ago, terrorists turned houses into bundles of ashes in the village of Ninga; then they went down to the village of Muambula and beheaded a lady - what does she know about gas? There are those who speak of the terrorists' movements in the villages Samora Machel and Unity. Pray for Cabo Delgado, for there are few necks there that can bear a simple rosary, fear is perhaps the prayer that speaks louder, but no god understands the language of fear. Pray for Cabo Delgado...
We have the brave forces of Rwanda and the military arm of SADC, but pray for Cabo Delgado. Pray for a pillow of light for the heads that are torn from the population every day, pray for those heads that because they have no more tears, bleed pools of blood. What kind of championship is this, where terrorists are constantly medaling the population with machetes? Is the population being medaled for putting their foot on the road and trying to escape death?
Just last month, three people had their heads blown off in Mandela village in Muidumbe district. In Chibabede, terrorists shot a local leader's head off with a bayonet and crowned houses and houses with giant flames. Is it impossible for a leader to remain a leader without his head? Pray, pray for Cabo Delgado.
Pray for more than sixteen military personnel who, a few days ago, found themselves watered by terrorists and then wrapped in coffins because their fight was over - I lost a friend in that operation. The neighbors at Pemba airport saw wounded soldiers being evacuated and others, poor things, swinging on the hard clothesline of death. Pray for Cabo Delgado and the military who are out there trying to put a slice of quiet in the mouths of the population. Pray for the ten people who were beheaded, on August 29th, in Maera - junction of Nacololo and Milange, pray for the population of Ancuabe, Namuembe, Meluco, Macomia and Palma, pray for the population of Cabo Delgado.
Pray, too, for the people of Nampula who walk around with a huge tuber of fear in their hearts, pray for the people of Nampula who have seen what they called homes reduced to a huge rubble of ash, and pray for the nun who was shot in Nampula as she crawled into a chapel to pray.
It is true that from time to time we kick everything that happens in Cabo Delgado under the rug. But it is important that you pray for Cabo Delgado. It's true that everything we kick under the rug will make our knees hurt, but pray for Cabo Delgado.
And there are people who have nothing in Cabo Delgado, people who only have two legs to go on pilgrimages and let themselves be baptized in reports as displaced persons, there are people who since 2017, in Cabo Delgado, live only to see their own disappearing, people who since 2017 do everything to not end up as beasts in the slaughterhouses of the terrorists. I was saying that it is impossible to put under the carpet the decapitated heads, just as it is impossible to button with smiles the mouths of the children loaded with baggage of terror that are spreading in Cabo Delgado.
And there are, from far and wide in Cabo Delgado, looting of property, kidnappings of innocent people and disappearances. I could talk about two Christians who were beheaded, in June in Chiure - in the Mazeze area.
Pray for Cabo Delgado...
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