Renamo wants to prevent a repeat of the local elections in Nacala and promises not to hand over the keys to the municipality

Renamo quer impedir repetição das autárquicas em Nacala e promete não entregar as chaves do município

Renamo says it will not hand over the keys to the municipality of Nacala, let alone allow a repeat of the local elections, which the Constitutional Council (CC) ordered for December 10, to be held in two polling stations in Nacala-Porto, in Nampula province, in northern Mozambique.

The political delegate of the main opposition party in Mozambique, Rassi Daúdo, argues that Nacala-Porto belongs to Renamo and that he will not hand over management to Frelimo.

"There's no reason for us to hand over the keys because elections didn't take place, there was just a scam, they stole the keys from the moment we registered until October 11th. Unfortunately, the Constitutional Council has ignored what our process is, giving the go-ahead to satisfy their boss, Frelimo, and is trying to give us the right to vote only for Christ, Life and Morrupelane. Renamo will never accept that," said Daúdo, quoted by RFI.

This decision comes despite the fact that the CC decided to repeat the elections in two polling stations because it was concluded that the irregularities detected had influenced the result.

"The way they've cooked things up, it's as if a gun had been manipulated and pointed at your chest, and you, alone, wanted to fire it to finish yourself off. That's what Frelimo has arranged, we can't go knowing that we're only going there to die," he added.

A few days ago, the Council of Ministers approved December 10 for local elections, partially in the municipalities of Nacala-Porto, in Nampula, Milange and Alto-Molocue, in Zambezia, and generally in the municipality of Marromeu, in Sofala.

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