Voter registration: Technical faults lead to repeated printing of cards in some brigades

Recenseamento eleitoral: Falhas técnicas geram repetição na impressão de cartões em algumas brigadas

The Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration (STAE) recognizes the existence of technical faults that repeat the printing of voter registration cards at the time of registration in some electoral registration brigades.

"There is a phenomenon that is occurring in some brigades, which is the repeated printing of some cards," said the national director of STAE's Legal Office, Lucas José, who was speaking yesterday at a press conference to take stock of the first week of the census.

Lucas José, quoted by AIMHe explained that the case occurs when the firefighter orders the printing, but the machine doesn't print the card at the time, the firefighter "makes the second order, the machine doesn't print it and the third time it accepts it, since it has taken over the previous orders, it ends up printing three cards".

"But we already have teams on the ground to correct this situation immediately," he says, adding that STAE technicians are already in the different provinces to assist with these and other faults that may occur.

A week after the start of voter registration, the STAE says that there are some brigades, the number of which has not been specified, that have not yet started operating.

STAE is also concerned about the delay in the payment of allowances to electoral agents at all levels, a case already described last Wednesday by the vice-president of the National Electoral Commission (CNE), Fernando Mazanga, and which could compromise the electoral process.

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