Ombudsman calls the murder of Elvino Dias and Paulo Guambe "disgusting"

Provedor de Justiça classifica de “repugnante” o assassinato de Elvino Dias e Paulo Guambe

The Ombudsman classified the murder of Elvino Dias and Paulo Guambe, which took place in the early hours of Saturday (19), as a "disgusting" act, which represents a serious attack on the consolidation of the democratic rule of law, which is based on guaranteeing the safety of individuals, as well as the full exercise of their freedoms, guaranteed by our Constitution of the Republic.

In a Savannah newspaperIsaque Chande demanded that the circumstances of this aggravated murder be clarified quickly.

For Isaque Chande, "failure to clarify this horrific incident would represent the bloodletting of our Mother Law, so I challenge the competent authorities to hold those involved accountable for this sad event, which represents an affront to national stability, the unity of our people and respect for human life".


(Photo DR)

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