PRM accuses Venâncio Mondlane of using the population to achieve power and says he must be controlled

PRM acusa Venâncio Mondlane de usar a população para atingir o poder e diz que deve ser controlado

The Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) accuse Venâncio Mondlane of using the population to achieve power, calling him extremely dangerous and that he must be controlled.

These pronouncements come after the police were involved in clashes with alleged supporters of Venâncio Mondlane in the early hours of Wednesday in the city of Nampula, where two citizens were shot by the agents of law and order.

Reacting to what happened, the director of Public Order and Security at the Provincial Command in Nampula, Gilberto Inguane, said that Venâncio Mondlane is extremely dangerous and must therefore be controlled. According to the source, quoted by Evidence newspaperThe skirmishes began when Venâncio Mondlane and his entourage deviated from the travel route offered by the Provincial Command.

"As it progressed, it moved into the interior of the city, especially towards the new market in the area of the Samora Machel statue. Realizing that this movement he was making was, in a way, moving masses because at a certain point he began to disturb the normal circulation of people and goods, he began to create problems on the road. We approached his entourage, which was camping in two vehicles, and asked them to follow the route that the police had defined. It so happens that when he went ahead with the march, he wants to believe that he was moved by the avalanche of people following him and decided that he should take the opposite route to the one indicated. The police told him that it shouldn't be the one that led to the military academy and from that moment on they instructed the population to confront the police," explained Inguane.

Faced with the behavior of the population, incited by the presidential candidate supported by PODEMOS, Inhguane said that law and order agents were forced to react.

"The population began to confront the police. With as many different manifestations as possible, each with their own manifestation. Some resorted to throwing stones. The police were forced to use dispersal methods and from that moment on they followed the route we indicated, but they dragged the masses to the Matadouro neighborhood and there they again incited violence against the police."

The director of Public Order and Security at the PRM Provincial Command in Nampula accuses Venâncio Mondlane of using the population to achieve a certain position, and warns that the country cannot be built on the basis of destruction.

"At the moment we have four individuals in our custody because of these actions. We know that the right to demonstrate is a constitutional right, but it has rules that must be obeyed. We shouldn't go along with a demonstration that disrupts a certain area. We appeal to politicians, to anyone who wants to visit Nampula will be welcome, but not to disorganize the province of Nampula. We are not going to disorganize the country. My desire to achieve a certain position cannot make me incite the population to violence. The country cannot be built with destruction.


(Photo DR)

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