Angolan president suspends government members from going abroad

Presidente angolano suspende saídas para estrangeiro de membros do Governo

The travel abroad of ministers, secretaries of state, governors and deputy provincial governors of Angola will be suspended as of May 15, according to an order of President Lourenço published Monday in the Official Gazette.

According to Notícias ao Minuto, the suspension will be in effect "until the investiture of the President of the Republic resulting from the 2022 General Elections", as established in number 1 of Presidential Dispatch no. 113/22.
In the preamble of the dispatch, João Lourenço justifies the measure "considering that the end of the Executive's mandate for the period 2017/2022 is approaching," as established by the Angolan Constitution, and "taking into account the need to maximize the results of the work of institutional articulation developed, as well as to make an assessment of the activities carried out throughout the mandate by the various organs of central and local administration of the State.
Paragraph 2 of the order makes it clear that the suspension of going abroad does not apply only to the Minister and State Secretaries of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Another exception is open to "entities that travel to attend to punctual and unpostponable situations, provided they are duly authorized.

Possible doubts "resulting from the interpretation and application" of the dispatch "are resolved by the President of the Republic," explains number 3 of the diploma.

It should be noted that Angola has general elections planned for August, in which the President of the Republic will also be elected, indirectly - as provided for in the Constitution.

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