Rwandan President Paul Kagamé today congratulated Mozambique on the completion of the disarmament of the armed arm of the main opposition party in the country (Renamo), as part of the peace agreements.
"Congratulations to my brother President Filipe Nyusi and the Mozambican people for the successful implementation of the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration [DDR] of former Renamo combatants," said Paul Kagamé, in a message published on the social network Twitter and consulted by Lusa.
Also in his message, Kagamé said that the conclusion of the DDR is an "important milestone" in the efforts towards peace. He regretted the fact that, although invited, he was unable to attend the official ceremony to close the process, which is taking place today in Maputo, bringing together various figures from countries in the region.
"I couldn't be there today as planned, but I wish you [Filipe Nyusi] and the people of Mozambique continued success," reiterated Paul Kagamé in the message consulted by Lusa.
The last Renamo base was closed in Vunduzi, Gorongosa district, in Sofala province.
The event took place last week, in the presence of the head of the Mozambican state, Filipe Nyusi, the leader of the Renamo party, Ussofo Momade, the United Nations representative for Mozambique, among other figures.
The closure dictated the demobilization and reintegration of more than 5,000 Renamo fighters who remained at the Renamo base.
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