PR: And this is what we were waiting to hear?

"As for the macroeconomic performance, we recorded in the past three quarters an accumulated growth of 1.78% which allows us to project a growth in the order of 2.1% by the end of the year," said the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, in a communication addressed to the nation on the occasion of the end of the year.

The Mozambican head of state also said that the country managed to control inflation and "until October it stood at 5.13%" however, he acknowledged that "the cost of living remains high due to weak demand and restrictive posture in terms of monetary and fiscal policies, global rise in fuel prices and other essential imported products.

In his annual balance, Filipe Nyusi also highlighted that the year 2021 was "the year in which we developed several social and economic infrastructures with emphasis on schools, hospitals, roads, airports, courts, among others," said the head of state.

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