PR 'considering' cooperation with Zambia to clarify kidnap cases

PR ‘cogita’ cooperação com Zâmbia para esclarecer casos de raptos

This Saturday in Maputo, the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, raised the possibility of Mozambique and Zambia cooperating to clarify kidnapping cases.

Nyusi put the issue on the table even though he was unaware of the occurrence of this phenomenon in Zambia, as well as whether there were any links between the kidnappings in Mozambique and that country.

"I don't know if they have kidnappings. Experience is for those who have it. What we can do is cooperate to clarify cases of kidnapping. And there is no history, at least so far, that is firm and secure, that there is any connection between kidnappings in Mozambique and Zambia. We have other neighboring countries," he said.

It was for this reason, according to Nyusi, that the issue of kidnappings was not on the agenda during the talks with Zambia. In his opinion, if the subject were raised, it would possibly encourage the phenomenon to occur in that country.

"The issue of kidnappings with Zambia was not part of the vocabulary of our discussions. Sometimes when you teach a child things they've never heard of, you're teaching them to make them curious. So it's not the Zambians' curiosity at the moment," he explained.

The president was speaking at a press conference in Maputo on Saturday, following his arrival from a three-day visit to Zambia, which, according to Nyusi, was positive.

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