PR calls for abandoning agendas that divide and plunder Africa

PR apela ao abandono de agendas que dividem e pilham África

African countries must abandon the agendas of other nations that take advantage of the weaknesses of the African continent to foment divisionism and plunder, the President of the Republic (PR) called on Thursday in New York.

"As Africans, we want peace on our continent and we are aware that for this to happen, its leaders need to believe that it is possible to see the weapons silenced," said Filipe Nyus during the open debate of the United Nations Security Council.

In Nyusi's view, African leaders have a greater responsibility because they must guarantee the resources and means to speed up the "silencing of the guns", he says. News.

In the United States, Filipe Nyusi shared Mozambique's experience in the peace-making process, setting the country as a benchmark for conflict resolution in other nations.

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