Population closes census office in Manhiça

População encerra posto de recenseamento na Manhiça

The population of the Chibucutso neighborhood, in the municipal town of Manhiça, has closed the voter registration office, allegedly because the mayor of Manhiça, Luís Munguambe, made false promises.

The census brigade has been closed for two weeks and the population is demanding a meeting with the mayor, Luís Munguambe, whom they accuse of making false promises.

This Thursday, the Manhiça district administrator, Maria Tonela, accompanied by the district police commander, the director of SISE and the urbanization councillor, went to the site to find a solution. They met for more than four hours and left the meeting without success. The population wants to see their concerns resolved and the boundaries of the municipal area and the district clarified.

Manhiça plans to register more than 47,000 voters, and 117 registration offices and 65 brigades have been set up. Since the demonstration began, the schools where the registration brigade used to work and the local health center have been closed. (Text: CIP Elections)

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