A politician is a politician and a thief is a thief

Tell me who doesn't know that the politician is heard by an honorable judge and the thief is questioned by a chief of operations with cell keys in hand, the politician embezzles public money and the thief steals money in public. The neighborhood thieves sweep laundry on the clotheslines and the politician is not a thief, he does money laundering.

Penalties are for the thief who evacuates chickens in the henhouse, the politician has his sentences converted into fines. There are handcuffs for the thief and there is police escort for the politician, there are witnesses for the thief and there are law firms for the politician, there are shank antennae for the thief and there is airtime for the politician, there is bail for the politician and there is bribery for the thief.

The politician commits murder and the thief kills people, the politician is a member of a party and the thief is a member of a gang, the politician is investigated and the thief is accused, the politician gets involved in corruption schemes and the thief dives into robbery schemes, the politician is of the people and the thief is of the people.

Who doesn't know that the politician repents and the thief forgets, the politician is imprisoned and the thief is locked up, the politician falsifies documents and the thief uses others' documents, the politician has a wife and children and the thief has a wife and children.

The politician has bodyguards and the thief has an accomplice at his back, the politician starts at the ballot box and the thief ends at the ballot box, the politician has a speech and the thief has things to say, the politician has facts and lots of facts and the thief has facts even without facts, the politician has a working office and the thief has a hunting corner. The politician before being arrested embezzles funds from embassies and the thief before being arrested embezzles at the bottom of the Columbia embassy full of smoke.

The politician is repressed by the corporation and the thief is shot, the politician is pursued by the courts and the thief is run down by the police, the politician takes refuge in foreign countries and the thief hides in a neighbor's house, the politician has a criminal record and the thief has unsolved crimes.

The politician is smeared by the press and the thief is screwed by those without press, the politician has court cases and the thief has police station occurrences, the politician is a defendant and the thief is a prisoner. The politician is a politician and the thief is a thief.

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