Police stop attempt to sell a teenager in Zambezia

Polícia trava tentativa de venda de um adolescente na Zambézia

The Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) foiled an attempt to sell a 15-year-old teenager in the district of Mocuba, Zambezia province, central Mozambique, and arrested two people suspected of involvement in the case.

According to the general commander of the PRM in Mocuba, Magid Sumail, the teenager was going to be sold to a Burundian citizen for 600,000 meticais.

"The two individuals were arrested in connection with the crime, reported by the alleged buyer," explained Magid Sumail, quoted by the News.

This is the second case to happen in the country in less than a week. On August 28, the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC) stopped an attempt to sell three children in Nampula, in northern Mozambique, and arrested three people suspected of being involved in the case.


(Photo DR)

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