Students from the Faculty of Health Sciences at Lúrio University (UniLúrio), in the city of Nampula, have decided to cancel the peaceful march that had been planned to take place on Thursday (04), to protest against the violation of their rights, because they were prevented and threatened by the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM).
According to a publication on the local portal "Wamphula Fax"In the early hours of the morning, a strong police force was present at the main entrance to the Lúrio University campus, in the Marrere neighborhood, where the rectory is located, including the Faculty of Health Sciences of this public institution, dissuading students to give up their intention.
According to the same publication, Xavier Felisberto Xavier, the president of the student nucleus of the Faculty of Health Sciences at Lúrio University in Nampula, received telephone calls from different numbers and people linked to the police authorities, preventing the demonstration from taking place inside the Lúrio University campus, which was the place where the march was supposed to end.
According to the president of the student group, the march would take place with the prior knowledge of the police authorities, as required by law.
"We asked why we were not allowed to demonstrate, but we didn't get an explanation," Xavier lamented, reiterating that the student group from the Faculty of Health Sciences will not give up.
According to student reports, in recent years UniLúrio has become a center of nepotism, the scene of cases of sexual harassment and material corruption, among other evils that are affecting the training process of future doctors.
In their letter calling for the march, the student group explained that their aim was to protest against the lack of a solution to the problems they are facing, related to the paralysis of classes and clinical internships, a situation that has been going on for around five months, allegedly due to a lack of payment to tutors.
In addition to the problems mentioned above, students also complain about monthly tuition fees being charged without having taken classes in the time corresponding to the payments, the imposition of exorbitant and unjustified fines, the existence of several subjects in arrears due to a lack of lecturers to teach them, the deprivation of timetables by some current lecturers, lack of material for practical classes in the faculty's laboratories and clinics, the existence of teachers with poor command of and qualifications for the subject taught, analytical plans in use that are incompatible with the course curriculum, incompatible internship fields for certain teaching activities.
However, the UniLúrio rectory remains silent about the students' complaints.
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