PODEMOS submits cases against Filipe Nyusi to the ICC for human rights violations

PODEMOS submete processos contra Filipe Nyusi no TPI por violação de direitos humanos

The Optimist Party for the Development of Mozambique (PODEMOS) has filed lawsuits against the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, and the Mozambican government at the International Criminal Court (ICC) and other international bodies, accusing them of human rights violations.

The main reason for the legal action is "the violence perpetrated by the police against demonstrators" in recent protests in Mozambique.

According to a RFIThe president of PODEMOS, Albino Forquilha, began by explaining that the party has filed lawsuits due to the context of violent repression against citizens who have been the target of violence "by the security forces". Forquilha added that several lawsuits are underway in international courts to assess the choices of the Mozambican government, which has violated the fundamental rights of the population.

The source warned that the violation of human rights, in particular abuses committed by the police under the command of Bernardino Rafael, General Commander of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique, is one of the main focuses of the complaint. For the president of PODEMOS, the final responsibility for the actions of the security forces lies with President Filipe Nyusi, as head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.

"These processes are ongoing and, at any moment, could lead to pronouncements or even a condemnation of the government. The general commander of the police, Bernardino Rafael, takes his orders directly from the President of the Republic. Therefore, it is the head of state who must answer for these violations," stressed Forquilha.

The leader of PODEMOS is clear in his position that the current government of Filipe Nyusi must be held accountable and, to this end, he demands the resignation of the executive. Albino Forquilha believes that, in a democratic scenario, large-scale violence against the population should lead to the departure of the President and his entire government.

The politician also pointed out that if the murders and abuses committed by the police during the demonstrations really indicate an implicit authorization by the government for violent repression, the President should, under normal conditions, resign.

"If we are having murders like these, which practically indicate permission to kill, then the head of state must take responsibility and resign. Otherwise, he has to remove the people in charge of the defense and security forces," he insisted.

The president of PODEMOS made a point of clarifying that the PODEMOS Party does not endorse the acts of vandalism that have taken place in the demonstrations, particularly in the protests organized by Venâncio Mondlane, the party's presidential candidate. The demonstrations are demanding that the electoral truth be restored, but they have also been marked by episodes of violence and destruction.

Albino Forquilha said that PODEMOS condemns any act of vandalism and reiterates the party's commitment to peaceful and legal demonstrations aimed at electoral justice in Mozambique. The PODEMOS president made it clear that the party is opposed to any form of violence, regardless of its origin, and that its aim is to promote the restoration of electoral truth and justice in the country.


(Photo DR)

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