Disabled people exempt from paying import taxes on vehicles

Pessoas com deficiência isentas de pagamento de impostos de importação de veículos

Today, the Portuguese Parliament gave final approval to a bill that exempts people with disabilities from paying customs duties when importing specialized vehicles.

This is the Law on the Promotion and Protection of People with Disabilities, which also includes tax exemptions on the import of specialized devices, aids and sunscreens.

In emergency situations, people with disabilities should also be given priority.

The legal provision also states that the target group has the right to participate in the political and public life of the country, on equal terms with other citizens; and to enjoy, on the same terms, access to justice and legal aid.

"The state must provide the necessary procedural assistance for a dignified service," so it is obliged to guarantee the training of communicators and state agents in sign languages in public institutions and others, said Lúcia Mafuiane, Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Social Affairs, Gender, Technology and Social Communication, quoted by Rádio Moçambique.

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