Partners grant 700 million meticais for victims of terrorism in Cabo Delgado

Parceiros concedem 700 milhões de meticais para vítimas de terrorismos em Cabo Delgado

Children and young victims of terrorism in the district of Palma, Cabo Delgado province, will benefit from social assistance in the areas of education, security, development and livelihoods.

The support is valued at 11 million dollars (around 700 million meticais), which could soon be disbursed by a group of international partners, including Sweden, the World Food Program and the United Nations Children's Fund.

In the context of the armed conflict, many children are no longer attending school in the province, increasing the risk that they will follow paths that compromise their future, such as early unions in the case of girls.

In this sense, the support initiative is focused on promoting inclusive and equitable access to education, child protection, and communication actions for behavior change.

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