To curb expulsions and resignations, extended training period for judicial magistrates

Para travar expulsões e demissões, alargado período para formação de magistrados judiciais

A curriculum reform to be implemented at the Legal and Judicial Training Center (CFJJ) will extend the training period for judicial magistrates and public prosecutors. Teaching will increase from 12 months to 18 months, and the internship from six months to eight months.

The pedagogical reform will later cover continuing training for the administration of justice. The aim is to improve the training of magistrates and the procedure for entering legal and judicial careers. But also, the idea is to prevent the continued dismissal and expulsion of magistrates by the Superior Council of the Judiciary and the Public Prosecutor's Office. This is because the principles governing the profession are not being observed.

"This transition will improve the performance and capacity to respond to the demands of the country's justice services and provide professionals with the tools to keep up with the dynamics of the criminal world," said the Director General of the CFJJ, Zulficar Rama, as quoted by the newspaper News.

He said that the CFJJ's competence to train magistrates should mitigate against the lack of professionals without the right qualities. In fact, only the best candidates will be accepted for training and entry into careers in the administration of justice, taking ethical values into account.

As part of the training, there are plans to expand the CFJJ to other provinces in the country.

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