In order not to coincide with the inauguration of the new PR, UP-Maputo and its extensions postpone entrance exams

Para não coincidir com a tomada de posse do novo PR, UP-Maputo e suas extensões adiam exames de admissão

The Pedagogical Universities of Maputo, Licungo, Púnguè and Rovuma have postponed the entrance exams, which were scheduled for January 14, to January 31.

In a statement, the institutions explained that the exams coincide with the inauguration of the new President of the Republic and that the aim is to ensure that the academic community can follow this moment.

The new timetable can be shared up to a week in advance. In the meantime, the university guarantees that exams will start on the 31st of the current month.

In total, around 33,000 candidates are registered for the UP exams and the partner universities.

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