Overtime payments for teachers and health professionals will be made in two phases

Pagamento de horas-extras aos professores e profissionais de saúde será feito em duas fases

This Tuesday (11), the government, through the Council of Ministers, considered and approved the Strategy for the Payment of Overtime to Health and Education Professionals. According to the spokesperson for the Council of Ministers, Inocêncio Impissa, the payment will be made in two phases, the first during the 100 days of government and the next in the second quarter.

Impissa also clarified that in relation to the payment of the 13th salary to State Officials and Agents, around 95% has already been paid.

On the same occasion, the Mozambican government promised to settle debts with suppliers of goods and services to the state, also in two phases. However, in this regard, the government official clarified that "part of the amount will be paid within 100 days of taking office and the rest is still subject to validation".


(Photo DR)

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