NGOs face difficulties in rescuing displaced people from war in Nampula

Non-Governmental Organizations in Mozambique face difficulties in assisting the number of displaced people in Nampula, victims of the attacks in northern Mozambique.

"Since its independence, Mozambique has never experienced effective peace," says a researcher in migration processes at the University Eduardo Mondlane, in Mozambique. Inês Macamo Raimundo, quoted by RFI, also recalls that "Mozambican society walks with the house on its back and never managed to have a sedentary life because of these phenomena.

Although the exact number of Mozambican displaced people and refugees is not known, people fleeing to border countries "is a historical situation in the country," points out the researcher in migration processes, in urban food security issues, at Eduardo Mondlane University.

For Inês Macamo Raimundo there are no "free migrations," arguing that "when someone changes residence it is because there is some reason that forced them to move, for environmental reasons; cyclones or floods, but also for military issues.

In the case of Mozambique, "since its independence, it has never experienced effective peace. This whole context has forced people to move around, in such a way that Mozambican society walks with its house on its back and has never been able to lead a sedentary life because of these phenomena," he points out.

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