Nyusi and Buchili criticized for "complicit" silence in the face of "political assassinations"

Nyusi e Buchili criticados pelo silêncio “cúmplice” perante “assassinatos políticos”

Social activist Adriano Nuvunga criticizes the lack of statements from Filipe Nyusi, President of the Republic (PR), and Beatriz Buchili, Attorney General of the Republic (PR), in the cases of the double murder of Elvino Dias and Paulo Guambe.

Dias was the lawyer for presidential candidate Venâncio Mondlane, and Guambe was the head of the Podemos party, which supported that candidacy. They were murdered on Friday night in the Coop district, in the center of the capital Maputo.

The murder was reported all over the world, in the major media groups, and was repudiated by various national and international institutions, including diplomatic representations accredited to Mozambique and the UN Secretary General, António Guterres.  

For Nuvunga, the lack of public pronouncement by these two figures reveals complicity in acts of violence.

"These are complicit silences. The President's is a political silence. This silence is criminal, the silence of the Attorney General.... in the face of this political assassination", he lamented, quoted by Success TV.

On the other hand, he expressed his indignation at the fact that around four journalists were attacked by the police in the middle of the protests on Monday (21).

He said that this action is another level of disrespect for the fundamental rights of Mozambicans, the right to information under the press law.

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