Nampula's new mayor suspends collection of daily fees at markets and fairs

Novo edil de Nampula suspende cobrança de taxas diárias nos mercados e feiras

The mayor of Nampula, Luís Giquira, who took office last Wednesday, has issued an order suspending the collection of the daily fee at markets and fairs. According to the city council, the measure is in force from 12 to 19 February and aims to allow for internal organization.

The daily fee charged per vendor/bank is 10 meticais.

According to a report in the newspaper "O País", citing a press conference held today, the head of the Mayor's Office, Orlando Munhaque, explained that the previous vouchers contained information from the previous council, including the signature, so the intention is to reinforce the vouchers and then resume collection.

However, at the Central Market, traders applauded the idea, pointing out that "everything that's free is welcome", but demanded better conditions.

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