Niassa/General elections: Religious leaders call for calm while awaiting results

Niassa/Eleições gerais: Líderes religiosos apelam à calma enquanto se aguarda pelos resultados

In Niassa, Lichinga, religious leaders and members of civil society are appealing to the population to remain calm and to distance themselves from incitement to violence, as they await the release of the final results of the October 9 elections.

Mustafa Mbuana, Coordinator of the Provincial Commission for Religious Affairs, Sheik Abdala Omar, Deputy Delegate of the Islamic Council of Mozambique, and Belchior Barrone from Civil Society, believe that politicians and their supporters should continue to wait calmly for the final results of the last elections to be announced, according to Rádio Moçambique.

It should be noted that the projections of the preliminary results of the last general elections on October 9 are giving victory to Daniel Chapo and the Frelimo party.

Meanwhile, the parties are talking about a series of irregularities during the voting process and are demanding that they be annulled in some parts of the country.

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