Niassa: Five roads on the verge of being cut due to heavy rain

Niassa: Cinco estradas na iminência de corte devido a chuva intensa

Five roads in Niassa province are on the verge of being cut off as a result of the heavy rain that has fallen in recent days, writes Rádio Moçambique.

These are the Metangula-Cobué, Unango-Matchedje, Marrupa-Mecula, Muemba-Mavago and Mecanhelas-Etatara roads, which have saturated soils, bridges, aqueducts and carriageways that have been partially destroyed due to erosion and mud caused by rainwater.

The delegate of the National Road Administration in Niassa, Oreste Zezela, was quoted by Rádio as saying that some bridges and platforms on the five highways are under water, restricting traffic to four-wheel drive vehicles.

The source said that the damage to the roads so far exceeds more than 67 million meticais

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