Two citizens committed suicide by hanging in the administrative post of Cobué, Lago district, in Niassa province, after consuming alcoholic drinks and cannabis sativa (soruma), according to Rashide Serafim, head of the administrative division.
Rádio Moçambique reports that the suicides took place in the villages of Mataca and Chigoma, and the cause of the acts is still unknown.
"We always appeal to the community not to accept this kind of behavior. When there are problems, we should proceed through dialog. There are structures at the base, we have the police, to whom problems should be channeled," he said.
In Nampula, a 29-year-old man died from a crocodile attack on the Monapo River, in the Napipine district. The victim was attacked when he was trying to cross the river in a canoe towards his farm, in the locality of Tchaine, in Rapale.
The attack took place on Saturday afternoon and the body was found armless on the banks of the river.
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