Niassa: Case of donation embezzlement involving INGD delegate could be known later this month

Niassa: Caso de desvio de donativos envolvendo delegado do INGD poderá ser conhecido ainda neste mês

The outcome of the case of embezzlement of donations for the needy involving the delegate of the National Institute for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (INGD) in Niassa, Fradei Taibo, could be known later this month, according to the justice authorities.

The Prosecutor of the Niassa Provincial Anti-Corruption Office, Rachide Martins, told journalists that steps were being taken to bring the case to a conclusion this month.

Fradei Taíbo and two other citizens are accused of having been found in the act of unloading donations destined for the needy at a residence last month in one of Lichinga's neighborhoods.

The other two are the driver of the truck and the owner of the house where the donation, made up of various food products, was unloaded. (RM)

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