On Tuesday (09), the police of the Republic of Mozambique neutralized and arrested a 24-year-old man who was posing as a doctor at the Adult Emergency Service (SUR-Banco de Socorro) of Maputo Central Hospital.
According to a communication from the HCM, the individual, who identified himself as Acácio Júnior Mondlane, a resident doctor in MFC, had also infiltrated the Polana Caniço and Chamanculo hospitals.
"When he was arrested, he was accompanied by one of his victims, who, it transpired, had promised him a urology appointment in June last year," the statement said.
In his first statements, he said that the stethoscope belongs to his brother, who is studying medicine, and that the stamp, uniform and recipe book he had produced himself.
Suspicions that he was a fake health professional arose due to poor communication and coordination with the professionals scheduled for that shift and because he was dressed differently from the others. The health professionals, suspicious of the situation, tried to ascertain the identity of the supposed doctor.
When he was neutralized, the fake doctor was in uniform and carrying a stethoscope, an instrument used by various health professionals, a stamp and a prescription book.
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