Nampula: 43.1% of the population does not know its HIV-AIDS status

Nampula: 43.1% da população desconhece o seu estado sobre o HIV-SIDA

In 2015, the province of Nampula had an HIV/AIDS prevalence of 5.7%, however, seven years later, the indicators show an increase to 10.1% This shows a tendency for cases to increase.

Meanwhile, 56.9% of the population aged over 15 know their HIV/AIDS status, compared to around 43.1 percent of the population who don't know their status.

According to the Delegate of the National Health Institute in Nampula, Américo Barata, although the prevalence of HIV in the province is below the national average, the situation is worrying because 43.1 of Nampulans are unaware of their HIV status while less than 20 % use condoms.

The data indicates that one in ten people in Nampula, aged over 15, is living with HIV, according to the Delegate of the National Health Institute in Nampula. He was speaking last Tuesday at the session of the State Representative Council in that part of the country.

Meanwhile, with regard to viral load, data from the Mozambique AIDS Survey (INSIDA-2021) show that eight out of ten people in Nampula are on antiretroviral therapy (ART) and have achieved viral load suppression.(Letter)

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