Dozens of app-based cab drivers, in this case those affiliated to Yango, stopped their activities today in Maputo, demanding better working conditions, accusing the 'bosses' of arrogance and considering migrating to other apps.
They made their demands near the company's offices on Avenida Marginal in the Costa do Sol neighborhood. The police were at the scene and tried to mediate a dialog.
The drivers are demanding a revision of the current travel prices, from around 50 meticais per kilometer to a minimum of 100 meticais per kilometer.
For each trip made, the company is entitled to 15% of the marked amount.
According to the drivers, Yango should also review the app's system, which calculates the distance incorrectly by regression. In other words, it marks, for example, 20 kilometers when, in fact, the distance is greater than what was shown when the trip was requested.
The group also regrets the lack of direct communication with employers. In fact, the contracts are with intermediaries between the company and the drivers.
In the event of accidents of various kinds, such as road accidents, robberies and violence, Yango does not provide any kind of assistance, including for mechanical and communication issues, they said. They feel exploited.
On the other hand, they revealed that they had tried to contact the employers several times, but without much success. One of the Yango representatives they spoke to on one occasion asked if the drivers wanted water to drink.
The company's office was closed at the time of the claim. In telephone contact with the company representative, a meeting between the parties was scheduled for next Monday (27).

A police commander who witnessed the protests and tried to broker a dialog suggested that the group submit a complaint to the police. The group says it will request the presence of the same police officer on the day of the dialog.
The drivers have said that between today and Monday their activities will be completely paralyzed. Those who insist on operations during this period risk having their vehicles vandalized.
On the other hand, in the event that the demands are not met, the group is considering migrating to other apps on the market or, more ambitiously, creating its own app. "Ours, Mozambican".
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