Interior Minister calls for a specific law to combat kidnappings

Ministro do Interior defende a criação de uma lei específica para combater os raptos

The Minister of the Interior said on Wednesday (13), in the Assembly of the Republic (AR), that the complexity of the crime of kidnapping requires the approval of a specific law with the aim of punishing its masterminds exemplarily.

"It is essential to pass a special law against the crime of kidnapping in order to punish kidnappers more exemplarily," emphasized Pascoal Ronda, quoted by the newspaper AIM.

On the same occasion, the minister said that measures were being taken to strengthen systematic coordination between the Republic of Mozambique Police (PRM) and the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC), and national, regional and international law enforcement agencies.

According to the government official, from January 2023 to this March, the police have recorded nine cases of kidnapping that were successful and six that were thwarted.

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