Counter-terrorism: European military advocates creation of a Military Administrative Command in Cabo Delgado

The European military training mission in Mozambique advocates the creation of a Military Administrative Command to strengthen the fight against terrorism in some districts of Cabo Delgado province.

According to Notícias, the idea is for the command to be integrated into the Rapid Reaction Forces branch and be responsible for managing the logistics of equipment supplied as part of the mission.

Following the creation of the command, there should be a person directly responsible for monitoring, maintaining and rotating the equipment and the respective force according to the cycles.

The plan is to set up the command, including the equipment, by March 2024, and for the time being the challenges are related to the storage, distribution and control of the resources that will be arriving.

The ideas were shared by the commander of the EU Mission in Mozambique, Marine Commodore Martins de Brito, during a lecture on the "Contribution of the European Union Training Mission to the Defense and Security of Mozambique".

The group of European soldiers has been supporting Mozambique in the areas of command, land and sea combat and combat service support.

"We are also advising on the creation of this administrative command", said Martins de Brito, quoted by the News

The European Mission, which has been supporting the fight against terrorism in Cabo Delgado since October 2021, has 61 military personnel divided into two training centers, comados and marines, with a mandate until September 2024.

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