Expired medicines on sale in Maputo's clinics and pharmacies

Medicamentos fora do prazo à venda nas clínicas e farmácias de Maputo

Clinics administer and private pharmacies sell medicines past their expiration date in Maputo province, the provincial Secretary of State (ES) said today in Boane.

In addition to undermining the well-being of public health, some identified health units operate illegally, revealed Vitória Diogo. She also raised suspicions of smuggling of pharmaceuticals exclusive to state health units.

"We also know about the use of biological drugs from the exclusive use of the Ministry of Health, about the use of pharmaceutical products with expired expiration dates," he revealed.

The governor demands that the owners of such establishments be punished in an exemplary manner, and that the inspection be intensified.

"We are dealing with human lives. This cannot happen. Let's call the attention and responsibility of the clinic managers. We cannot have in our clinics the presence of stray dogs, garbage or insects," he warned.

For her part, the Director of the Provincial Health Services said that this year alone, three health units have been penalized for irregularities.

"In addition to clinics we also find pharmacies. In these cases we follow the law and end up closing some pharmacies, and we fine some clinics that also end up closing for this type of situation," said Iolanda Tchamo, quoted by Radio Mozambique.

These statements came as part of the holding of the first Provincial Private Clinics Meeting. SE recommended the participants to take their businesses to other locations in the province.

"It makes no sense to have five clinics in the same district of Matola providing a similar service and still have no clinic in the district of Namaacha," he said.

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