MDM replaces cadres in districts and provinces

MDM substitui quadros nos distritos e provínciais

The Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM) is reformulating the party's political baselines at district and provincial level, according to the spokesman.

Ismael Nhacucue said that there will be no exceptions in this process, meaning that all the delegations of the political formation in the country will be covered.

"At the moment, this work is being done in all of the party's delegations, by changing district and provincial political delegates," he said, quoted by the News.

According to Ismael Nhacucue, some MDM members in Maputo, Sofala and Nampula are already receiving training in Mozambican legislation and the party's own statutes.

On the other hand, I anticipate that the next meeting of the MDM National Council will plan activities for this year and draw up strategies for the next elections.

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