Well-placed sources within Frelimo point out that Frelimo's victory already has a fixed price in some districts, according to Boletim CIP Eleições.
The publication indicates that in some districts of Manica, school principals, who will now be trainers, and MMV, have been promised 50,000 meticais if they "guarantee Frelimo's victory" on polling day.
"The promise, made to the principals of the Tambara schools, carries with it the threat of resignation in the event of the party's defeat," reads the CIP publication.
CIP Eleições' sources, linked to the party's organs at local level, say that school principals will be presiding officers at polling stations on voting day.
It is not known whether the district directors also received the same promises, but it seems that they did. For this reason, school principals, teachers and technicians from the district services were recruited to be MMV trainers and also MMV's on October 9th.
The CIP publication states that the lists were prepared by the Frelimo party and sent to the district STAEs. They were all entered through a mock public competition.
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