More than a hundred long distance truck drivers and public passenger carriers are stranded following the interruption of road traffic between Namacurra and Nicoadala, in Zambezia.
At issue is the overflow of the Namdobe River, due to heavy rainfall.
Several passengers spent the night in difficult conditions and in the open air.
The cargo and passenger transporters regret the losses resulting from the situation, as they are stranded in Namacurra, waiting for the waters of the Namdobe River to recede and for the bridge over the Elege River in Nicoadala to be restored.
It is recalled that two cuts in the national road number one (En1), Nicoadala/Namacurra section interrupted the road traffic between the center and the north of the country, leaving the Secretary of State, from Zambezia, and her entourage who traveled to the site for monitoring work under siege.
Meanwhile, breaking news reports that Judite Mussácula was rescued this afternoon by an airplane from the Nantuto area, Nicoadala district, where she had been under siege since Saturday morning.
This was confirmed by a source in the press area of the Office of the Secretary of State in Zambezia.
Judite Mussácula assured Rádio Moçambique, however, that the traffic on National Road number one, across the bridge that collapsed in Mariarua, Nicoadala district, will be restored by this Monday.
However, by now, the water level has dropped and some passengers risk crossing in bark canoes and in deplorable safety conditions.