First National Census of Artisanal Miners Launched Today

The Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Ernesto Max Tonela, presides, this Monday, in Chalaua, Moma district, Nampula province, the launching ceremony of the First National Census of Artisanal Miners.

 This is a census aimed at collecting statistical data and locating artisanal miners in Mozambique.

The Director General of the National Institute of Artisanal Miners, Adriano Sénvano, explains that with this sense, the government will be able to define better policies and better strategies for the development of artisanal mining in the country.

The first national census of artisanal miners, which will include three phases, will take place until the end of November. The first phase will cover the provinces of Maputo, Gaza and Inhambane, in addition to Nampula.

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