LAM suspends flights due to the passage of Cyclone Chido

LAM suspende voos devido à passagem do ciclone Chido

Mozambique Airlines (LAM) has suspended three flights due to the passage of tropical cyclone Chido today. These are flights TM172/3 Maputo-Pemba-Maputo, TM190/1 Maputo-Nampula-Maputo and TM162/3 Maputo-Nacala Maputo.

In fact, LAM plans to reschedule flights for periods when the weather conditions improve.

The completion of flight TM156/7 Maputo-Nampula-Maputo scheduled for today is also dependent on the improvement in temperature conditions.

 The airline assures that it will communicate any situations regarding the rescheduling of flights to the affected customers.

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