LAM denies arrest of employee involved in transporting illegal ore by air

LAM desmente detenção de funcionário envolvido em trasporte aéreo de minério ilegal

Mozambique Airlines (LAM) denies reports that an employee of the company has been arrested for being involved in an ore transportation ring illegalfrom the province of Nampula.

The information that LAM is denying was published by MZNews on 17.08.2023 based on an article in a daily newspaper also published on the same date, page 6. The National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC), Nampula office, confirmed the information to MZNews on 21.08.2023, after MZNews learned of LAM's claim.

The article states that an employee belonging to LAM and Ethiopian Airlines is in the custody of SERNIC, in Nampula province, for his involvement in the illegal air transportation of minerals mined in that part of the country. LAM says that this information does not correspond to the truth.

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