CDD journalist kidnapped by police

Jornalista do CDD sequestrada pela Polícia

Police officers from the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) kidnapped Sheila Wilson, a journalist from the Center for Democracy and Human Rights (CDD), yesterday afternoon.

According to the CDD, the kidnapping took place when the journalist and human rights activist was covering demonstrations by former members of the National People's Security Service, now the State Information and Security Service, who are demanding their rights

During the kidnapping, the journalist appears in a video filmed by herself and circulating on social media, begging for help while the police mercilessly kidnapped her.

As a result of this kidnapping, the director of the CDD, Adriano Nuvunga, issued a global alert calling on Mozambicans to unite and stand up against the aggression that has been perpetrated by the police over time.

At the moment, the journalist remains in an uncertain location, which makes it clear that this is a kidnapping planned to silence human rights defenders.

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