The moderate to heavy rains could continue over the next few days and may be accompanied by thunderstorms and gusty winds in the provinces of Manica, Sofala and Tete, in the center, and Gaza and Inhambane, in the south of the country.
According to the INAM statement, in Manica, the districts of Bárue, Gondola, Guro, Macate, Manica, Mossurize, Machaze, Macossa, Sussundenga, Tambara, Vanduzi and the city of Chimoio will be affected.
In Sofala province, the alert is mainly for Búzi, Caia, Cheringoma, Chibabava, Dondo, Gorongosa, Machanga, Marromeu, Muanza, Nhamatanda and the city of Beira.
Angónia, Cahora Bassa, Changara, Chifunde, Chiúta, Doa, Macanga, Moatize, Tsangano and the city of Tete will be the places most likely to be affected.
In the south, the alert is for Govuro, Massinga, Inhassoro and Vilankulo in Inhambane and Massangena in Gaza.
INAM recommends that communities take precautionary measures to avoid damage and accidents due to adverse weather conditions.
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