From January to May INAM predicts rain and intense heat in the south and center of the country

De Janeiro a Maio INAM prevê chuva e calor intenso no Sul e Centro do País

This information is contained in the Seasonal Bulletin for the period from January to May next year from the National Institute of Meteorology (INAM), released this Monday.

The document quoted by "Noticias" points out that in the provinces of Tete, Manica, Sofala, Gaza, Inhambane and Maputo, normal rainfall is expected, with a tendency towards above normal, while in the coastal strip of Cabo Delgado, almost the entire length of Nampula and part of Niassa and Zambézia, there could be below normal rainfall.

According to the source, the seasonal climate forecast was made based on the interaction of air and sea recorded at the beginning of the current month and under the neutral stage of "El Niño", characterized by the cooling of the waters in the Pacific Ocean, although it still oscillates between warming and cooling.

INAM also presents a climate forecast for maximum temperatures, in which all the country's provinces could experience intense heat during the period in question.

Currently, there is a downward trend in the cooling of the surface waters of the Pacific Ocean, continuing within the thresholds of neutral El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) conditions until the end of the 2024-2025 rainy season.

Also in the same document, the meteorological organization will continue to make monthly updates to this forecast until February 2025.

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