Man kills his wife and then ties her up with a rope to simulate suicide

Homem mata sua esposa e depois amarrou com uma corda para simular suicídio

A man has been indicted for killing his wife and then claiming suicide in Sussundenga, in Manica province, central Mozambique.

In a publication in the newspaper "The Country"I didn't kill her. She got nervous and hanged herself," said the accused.

However, the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) say that the man's statements are only intended to mislead the authorities.

"The police arrested this 25-year-old man on the 15th of this month after he took the life of his wife with physical force. As a way of erasing the traces of the crime, after carrying out this macabre act, he took the body of the deceased, his wife by the way, to a tree near the couple's home and tied it up with a rope to simulate a suicide," explained Eunice Faustino, spokesperson for the PRM in Manica, stressing that the individual's arrest has already been legalized and he is now awaiting trial.


(Photo DR)

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