"There are members who agree to receive money to abandon Venâncio Mondlane in Nampula"

“Há membros que aceitam receber dinheiro para abandonar Venâncio Mondlane em Nampula”

The PODEMOS party, Nampula delegation, has revealed the existence of some members who recently withdrew their support for Venâncio Mondlane's candidacy in exchange for money.

In a publication on the IkweliCastro Niquinha, the CAD/PODEMOS delegate in Nampula, said that these members had been bought by leaders of other political parties to abandon Venâncio Mondlane and join them.

"They've often come out shouting that they're on the side of the people, after all they're people with no morals. Someone can't sell principles, let alone values, for money. The rest of us are here and at no time did we receive money from Venâncio Mondlane to follow him, we followed his ideals, thoughts and projects," said Castro Niquinha, yesterday, Monday (23).

At a press conference, the delegate presented some voter cards that are being collected to manipulate the results of the upcoming elections.

"There is a fraud that is being prepared and we will not forgive anyone who gets involved in matters of fraud, don't make us make mistakes. These cards are proof that they are being collected to manipulate results," he added.


(Photo DR)

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